Stanton Moore Drum Academy

Sign up for the 7 Day Trial and get full access to all of the video and written lessons available inside my online drum school! You can cancel anytime and if you decide it is for you, after 7 Days, your card will be charged for your membership.


Monthly Membership

$29/month after your FREE trial

  • INSTANTĀ FULL ACCESS to ALL of my video and written lessons
  • Direct access to me and the SMDA community within the interactive forum
  • As an added BONUS you'll also receive my best selling 300+ page eBook

Annual Membership

$269/year after your FREE trial

  • INSTANTĀ FULL ACCESS to ALL of my video and written lessons
  • Direct access to me and the SMDA community within the interactive forum
  • As an added BONUS you'll also receive my best selling 300+ page eBook

NEW: Monthly Zoom with SMDA Members

Take SMDA with you anywhere!

LearnĀ from an industry vet with 30+ years of experience gigging, touring, and recording

Direct Access to Stanton Via The Interactive Community Forum

Monthly Membership

$29/month after your FREE trial

  • INSTANTĀ FULL ACCESS to ALL of my video and written lessons
  • Direct access to me and the SMDA community within the interactive forum
  • As an added BONUS you'll also receive my best selling 300+ page eBook

Annual Membership

$269/year after your FREE trial

  • INSTANTĀ FULL ACCESS to ALL of my video and written lessons
  • Direct access to me and the SMDA community within the interactive forum
  • As an added BONUS you'll also receive my best selling 300+ page eBook